Annual Meeting

General Instructions for Members, February 19, 2024 

In Person voting will begin at 10:30 AM at Gazebo #1, The Library
  a. There will be two separate ballot boxes. One for the budget vote, and one for the Board Candidates vote.
  b. You may vote by proxy prior to the meeting.
      i. A separate Proxy Must be filled out for Budget Vote and Board Candidate Vote
     ii. A ballot sheet must be attached to the proxy
    iii. Proxys must be mailed to the Association Manager, or can be hand delivered to the Secretary of the Board
    iv. Proxy Must be received no later than 3 business days prior to the meetings (per our Bylaws), which is February 14, 2024
     v. Contact Information for Proxy mailing or delivery:
          1. JoAnna Liker, EnProVera Property Advisors. Mail to: P.O.BOX 3317, Brandon, FL 33509
          2. Cheryl Haggerty. Hand deliver to 5082 Shore Line Drive

2. Lasagna Lunch will be provided Starting at 11AM in the Community Center, Gazebo #5
     a. Lunch is provided to those who have voted. Election committee members will be giving you a lunch ticket when you vote.

3. Starting at 1PM there will be a series of meetings in the Community Center, Gazebo #5
     a. The first meeting will be the Members Special Budget Meeting. The results of the members budget vote will be reported at this meeting
     b. The second meeting will be the Board of Directors Special Budget Meeting. The Board will approve the 2024/2025 Budget at this meeting
     c. The third meeting will be the Annual Members Meeting. The results of the Board Candidate voting will be reported at this meeting
     d. The forth meeting will be the Board Organizational meeting. This will be the newly elected Board members, voting on officers of the Board.

4. For those who cannot attend the meeting, Alternately, Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 793 236 1343
Dial in by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)


Upcoming Events

Yoga Class -
Mahjong -
Exercise -
Yoga Class -
Exercise -
Yoga Class -
Kumihimo Necklace -
Exercise -
Game Day -
Yoga Class -

Board Meetings

All Meetings Scheduled at 1PM
Gazebo #5 Community Center


No Summer Meetings
OCT 21OCT 28
NOV 11NOV 18
JAN 13JAN 20
FEB 10 (1)FEB 17 (2)


Board Organization meeting afterward

MAR 10MAR 17
(1) Budget meeting before Workshop
(2) Meet the Candidates afterwards